Student job

All foreign students who are EU nationals have the right to work while studying in France. Non-EU students must hold a "student" residence permit. International students must not exceed 964h/year, if they wish to keep their student residence permit.

Jobaviz, a CROUS website dedicated to student jobs
Jobaviz, company drops all type of offers

Jobaviz highlights:
- The ability to define one or more search profiles. For example, you can create a "School Year" profile, a "Vacation" profile based on your availability schedule, or according to job type, geographical area...
- Targeted ads that match each of your search profiles, so you won't be offered a full-time position in January with a "School Year" profile.
- The possibility of completing your CV and making it available to employers: giving them the autonomy to contact you directly.

Summer Jobs from CIDJ

On the CIDJ summer jobs website, students can obtain :
- practical information and advice on how to write a CV and cover letter, organize your search and find out about seasonal jobs;
- job offers, of course, and a map to help you locate "summer jobs" operations organized near you;
- clear reminders of legislation: minimum wage, employment contracts, rights of the disabled, etc.
- the dates of forums, workshops and meetings in each region, where you can meet recruiters and/or professionals from the Information Jeunesse network.

Other ways to find a student job

The Infos Jeunes network
Don't hesitate to visit one of the centers in the Infos Jeunes network. Youth Information Offices (Bij, Pij, Crij)... these structures are present all over France and welcome you to get informed.

The website has a section dedicated to student jobs.

Local missions
These missions provide a wide range of local services for young people, including career guidance and integration. They can also help you find solutions to material problems you may encounter in your job search.
Find a local mission

Direct applications to companies
Updated : October 15, 2024