The Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) is an organisation responsible for paying financial benefits to individuals, including housing benefit.
To help you pay your rent you can apply for housing benefit (APL, ALS, ALF). To find out which aid you are entitled to and the amount, you can do a simulation on the CAF website.
Please note :
You must wait until you have a home to apply to the CAF. Once you have moved in, do not delay as the aid is not retroactive.
Housing benefits are automatically suspended during the summer holidays for all students, unless you inform the CAF that you are keeping your accommodation beyond that date. Your CAF will ask you at the end of the academic year, via your personal online space, if you are keeping your accommodation in July and August. If you leave your accommodation or if you do not reply, your entitlement will be interrupted from the end of June.
Would you like to be accompanied in your application for financial aid from the CAF? Make an appointment !
CAF has closed down its UPVD office in 2023, so they provide instead a Hotline for all UPVD student (French language) : 09 69 32 52 52.