Complementary health insurance

After your affiliation to the Sécurité Sociale, think about suscribing to a "mutuelle" (also called "complémentaire santé"). Indeed, even if the Sécurité Sociale covers part of your health expenses, it does not reimburse everything ! It is not compulsory to take out a "mutuelle" but it is strongly recommended that you do so, as it reimburses you (in full or not) for the costs that you still have to pay.

La complémentaire santé solidaire (CSS)

The "complémentaire santé solidaire" is a complementary health insurance offered by the Sécurité Sociale for people of modest means. To find out if you are eligible for the CSS, go to the simulateur (in French).

  • More information on the "complémentaire santé solidaire" on ameli's website (in French).

How does the reimbursement of health expenses work ?

The Social Security sets rates for medical care and reimburses health care expenses on the basis of these rates. The rate of reimbursement varies according to the medical procedure. Here are some examples:

  • 70% for a medical consultation
  • 60% for biological analyses
  • Between 15% and 65% for medicines
Exemple de remboursement suite à une visite chez un medécin généraliste
Updated : June 22, 2023